Sunday, May 8, 2011

YouTube - Death Penalty. YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. 28 Nov. 2007. Web. 08 May 2011. .

I thought this video, along with the many comments it recieved was interesting. This video brought many people to speak their opinions strongly. One said, "So what happen if there's innocents on death row? Pro death penalty supporters never addressed this issue. We still have the higest murder rate in this country even those having a death penalty. We should put this rapist to work and pay the victim's money in return. and what about cameron todd willingham? Go look him up on YT and see. i think death is too easy on rapistsand life w/o parole would be more painful. Not saying i support crinimals or anything because our justice sytem is flawed." Another questioned, "death penalty is "Justice" killing somebody, since when is justice a murderer?" 
Finally one other bold statement that got my attention is as follows: "Let's say that for 10 suspects, 1 is innocent. SO WHAT? You would fret over ONE innocent life in exchange for the safety of thousands of people? Previous leaders DIDN'T become leaders by making such irrational decisions. It's not that I disregard that one life, but because I'm wiling to take the risk for countless others."

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