Monday, May 16, 2011

Death Penalty; The Final Product...

         Killing we cannot do for fun, we cannot kill for attention, we cannot kill for revenge, we simply cannot kill. It baffles me why someone wants to kill, or does kill, but unfortunately it happens all the time. Do we put them in time out and just give them a slap on the wrist? NO! So what is the most effective form of punishment? Do we rape the rapist, set fire to the arsonists possessions, and kill the murderer?(Bedau, Hugo Adam)What can constitute as a equal justice for all? Although it is not a simple task to do, studies have proven that the death penalty is an effective way to deal with convicted criminals.
         There are many different methods of the death penalty. There is lethal injection, hanging by the neck, firing squad, gassing, and sometimes the use of the guillotine. ( Duhaime, Lloyd) Lethal injection is a deadly drug that the government can inject into the convicted that will kill them once it hits their system. Using lethal injection seems to be the most humane way, but some people want others' to fire guns at them, or hang them by the neck. 
         DNA has proven that more than one hundred Americans have been sentenced to death row, although they were innocent. Some believe this may be due to false confessions that police officers have manipulated them into making. Also, along with false confessions, eye witnesses don't always see accurately; after all, everyone makes mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone; no one is without fault. All crimes are irreversible because we cannot turn back time, should punishments be irreversible too? The death penalty is the ultimate punishment. Our government must be fair and give justified punishments, but shouldn't use more violence and hate than necessary. (Bedau, Hugo Adam)
        Will there always be the risk of executing an innocent person? Yes, unfortunately there will be. Thanks to DNA testing though, there is a less likely chance. People toss around this aspect quite often. Some people believe that everyone in America should be willing to risk one life for the safety of a lot others. A few people think the death penalty is justice killing a person, but since when has justice become a murder? It almost seems like it would be counterproductive to murder somebody for murder; simply making our justice system a giant hypocrite.(YouTube- Death Penalty.) There have been studies proving that the death penalty is effective; including one that showed that for every executed convicted killer, between three and eighteen lives could be spared. Also, for every convicted killer executed, it would result in five less homicides, but for every put-off execution it results in five more homicides. If the execution process were to be sped up, and each convicted criminal spent 2.75 less years on death row, it'd save at least one life.  (Tanner, Robert.)
      Often times you can find people making a mockery out of this controversial topic. You will find mentally ill criminals on death row who are simply wanting to die. That was their goal the entire time, to be executed. (Rodgers, Walter.) In some other cases, you'll find the bystanders expressing their thoughts through pictures or comics. Many of which are merely mocking our justice system. (Fairrington, Brian.)
        We find ourselves living in a vengeful society; a place where murder can be confused with justice. Today, we can find ourselves debating pros and con's of almost every topic and wined up nowhere ahead of the game, but only in the same place. Our society seems to be standing still in time, not progressing forward in any controversial areas. As our technology grows, we should be growing. But we aren't; we have stopped addressing the important stuff. Instead, we find ourselves acting as a little kid not wanting to clean his room. We are sliding things under the rug and ignoring that they are still there, creating a mess, and not being handled appropriately.  We are running full speed ahead, trying to figure out what to do about this, and that...but we are running on a treadmill. We are on a treadmill in our living room. The very same place we were before we started running. We are tired, hot, sweaty, but in reality, we have not gained an inch. Nothing has been solved. (Rodgers, Walter.)
       The death penalty has raised a lot of questions, and eyes to what is and isn't acceptable in our country. This topic often plainly stops at what is and isn't morally correct, so it never gets to the point of if the death penalty is even effective. I believe that is the first question people should ask, and the answer is yes. But is it too effective when you have an innocent persons' life on the line? That you must decide on your own.

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