As a teenager, it is very typical to sit there and look at the teacher in front and think, "I DON'T CARE!" But the truth in the matter is, we really should care. It's our education and we should care about the things they are telling us. Teachers try really hard, and what they're telling us is real. Now, I can't speak for everyone, but I know that when a teacher tells me something it is hard for me to simply believe them unless have previously experienced what they're teaching us about. The point is that, for the most part, teachers really care about what they are sharing with their students. Students often forget that, indeed, teachers are people too. They feel and have emotions....and wait for it.....THEY HAVE LIVES OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL AS WELL! Shocker! Anyway, so many students let these facts slip their mind. The teacher became a teacher for a reason, and a reason other than they just needed a job.
People often don't know the difficulty of teaching until they have to be a teacher.
I came to the realization today of how much respect I have for those whom students have their qualms about. I am a teacher at my local church, where I lead first graders around and try to teach the message of Jesus. Ideally, my job is to simply lead them. I am to lead them from class to class, and at the end review the lesson in, "journal time." Now, I don't know how many of you have worked with first grade students, but convincing them to sit and write in their journals after eight hours in school and two hours of learning at church is nearly impossible!!! I don't blame them; my head would be exploding as well. This non idealistic class gives me a new job; instead of simply leading the children around, I must teach them as well.
The hardest part for teaching elementary students is trying to keep energy, patience, and ideas fresh. Energy requires more than just physical strength, but mental strength as well. As a senior in high school, I am drained by the end of school. Somehow, though, we have to find this extra energy boost inside us to teach these children. We also must acquire patience out of our irritations and aggravations due to the stress levels. This energy and patience comes from the root reason we're there- to share about a matter which is vital and important to us. We care about what we are teaching, and we want the students to care as well. Keeping ideas fresh is also difficult because first graders must have something new and exciting to discover. Making up ideas that are educational, exciting, and new is a challenge.
Teachers are constantly faced with challenges. One of their biggest challenges are parents. Parents seem to always be on the guard and look out for their students. Usually, no matter what really happened, the parent will defend their student. Teachers must be cautious in their actions. If educators are not careful their jobs could quickly be on the line if a parent is perturbed. There is one main challenge that drives most teachers-Atychiphobia. The fear of failure. Most all teachers want to feel success and if the student isn't learning something...they feel they've failed. Teachers merely want the best for their students, and hope to make at least a small mark on the lives of others'. If teachers don't make some sort of dent, they've failed.
My hat is off to teachers tonight! Thank you for all your hard work and care. I now know what it is like to be in your shoes- and some flat out stinks. Just remember to look for the students' smiles and joys because, for whatever reason, that gives us the strength to pursue.
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