Thursday, October 13, 2011

College English Comp. Page 180 AWA #3.

Bilingual education I view as a very important subject. Americans only learning one language is extremely naive and crude. Almost every other country can speak two languages, a least! They speak English, along with their native language. I believe that America should follow this trend of learning to speak another language. It should not be a requirement for just high schoolers, but a requirement from grade school. Little children learn and pick up on information a lot faster than older people trying to comprehend it later in life. In America, this switch would not be an easy, or cost effective one to make; although, it'd be well worth it.

Imagine if some mass chaos erupted and all the countries needed to work together to save the human race, but no one spoke any language other than their own. We would not be able to save the world. Americans are very ignorant compared to some other countries when it comes to speaking multiple languages. I believe that this is a topic that has been sitting on the backburner for awhile now. When will it ever be time to step up and someone shout, "We need better and more advanced education in our school systems!"?